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Diamond D8 and Diamond D16 are 3G / HD / SD SDI and DVB-ASI high performance routing matrixes. D8 is 8x8 while D16 is 16x16; both are vertical interval switching (tri level or black burst), non blocking arquitectures.
Input operating standard / frequency is automatically detected, internal compensation is also performed without any intervention.
Every input is equalized, prior to the switching stage, to compensate for cable losses up to 160 meters (3G), 200 meters (HD) or 400 meters (SD).
After routing, every output signal is reclocked to obtain the cleanest and lowest jitter possible output.
DVB-ASI operation can be configured from the menu.
Operates with external hot swappable redundant power supplies which provide increased reliability by operating in hot stand by mode. Failing supply is automatically replaced and failing information is flagged in the front panel and sent to the controllers.
Routers may be controlled through an IP interface by means of remote control panel (URC), SNMP or   internal Web Server. A PC automation software is also provided.


    • 8x8 and 16x16 3G architectures
    • Automatic format detection
    • SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M and DVB-ASI compliant
    • Vertical Interval Switching according to SMPTE RP168
    • High Performance  Input Equalizing 
    • Reclocked Outputs
    • External Remote Control
    • Serial (RS-232) and Ethernet (SNMP and internal Web Server) control
    • Redundant Power Supplies with hot swap capability.
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